How did Acres of Love International get its start? Well, it all started with two broken people finding love and a new beginning after loss. Randy and Jennifer had both experienced the loss of their spouses. Neither thought they would ever remarry, but God had other plans. The lord brought them together through a way that could only have been Him, but that is a story for another day. They immediately knew that God had brought them together for missions. They did not know what the mission would be, but they knew it would be to grow His Kingdom. One Sunday at church they were presented with the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Uganda, Africa. Both had always wanted to go on a mission trip. Neither had ever dreamed it would be to Africa, but here was this opportunity. Randy IMMEDIATELY was on board and on fire to go. I got on board pretty quickly. Randy's excitement is contagious. If you know him you know what I mean. The planning and fund raising for the trip started in November. The trip was scheduled for July of the following year. Jennifer began to pray that the Lord would reveal His plan for their life when they got home from Uganda. She felt so strongly that He would make His plans known as soon as they got home. She had no idea what was about to take place while in Uganda! God's timing is always best. After a very long 24 hrs. of flying they finally put their feet on Ugandan soil for the first time and their lives would never be the same. At the very first conference on the very first day one of the local pastors began to preach and teach on the spirit of poverty and laziness. He was telling the gathered crowd how it was their responsibility to get farm land and earn a living and make a better life for themselves. That they had to stop being lazy or they would never get out of poverty. Although everything he was saying was accurate there was a burning that started in Jennifer's spirit. How are they supposed to do that? Many of them have less than nothing. Sure, it sounds great, go get land and start working. What money are they supposed to use to purchase said land? Jennifer began to get a little angry and that is when she heard the Holy Spirit say, "That's where we come in." What? I don't know anything about farming! I have a brown thumb! You know this Lord! You made me this way. How am I going to help them? His response was simple, "Do you trust me?" Of course I do. Let's do it! Upon return to the hotel room that evening Jennifer shared the entire vision with Randy and asked him to pray about it with her. She will never forget his response. Again, with Randy enthusiasm he said, "No! If the Lord gave you that much detail there is nothing to pray about. Let's do it!" And the planning and brainstorming began while in Uganda. Acres of Love International was a Holy Spirit inspired vision birthed to two broken people with hearts for the Lord on Ugandan soil to break poverty off one acre at a time. Planting seeds in souls and soil.
